I'm on the air.

Thursday 29 December 2005, 17:15
Well, on internet radio, anyway. I've just found out I'm listed with 18 opuses at NTNS Overkill. Do check it out, there's more great music playing there as well.


I'm still alive!

Saturday 19 November 2005, 23:27
Just wanted to let you all know that I'm alive and well. Just haven't had the time to create much lately - like since June ;) There's a new drone piece in the downloads section, though.



Banners for anulaibar.com

Wednesday 15 June 2005, 21:12
I've done a banner for you to use if you'd like to link to this site. It comes in two flavours, a .gif and a .jpg version.





New URL. New site. New pieces.

Wednesday 04 May 2005, 09:44

A couple of days later than I planned the new site are launched. Due to lousy uptime, constant crashes and near to none support I've moved the site to a new hosting. To get it going I had to register a new domain, anulaibar.com. I got my hand on funkis.org, eventually though, so both should work now.

I've also uploaded some new pieces. Two remixes and three brand new.



Funkis/Anulaibar vs Photophob release

Monday 02 May 2005, 08:21

Photphob has realeased a brand new remix album. photophob - mixes/d a remix album, containing 14 remixes from and for photophob, providing a quite wide range of styles from industrial to ambient. more than 60 minutes of music, an overview of the collaborations that were made during the last years. big thanks to all the artists involved !




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