What People Mean When They Say “European Culture”

21:33 onsdag 4 juli 2018

What People Mean When They Say “European Culture”

They don’t mean a strong safety net, or good trains, or universal healthcare…

15:26 söndag 1 juli 2018

15:26 söndag 1 juli 2018

Trails for All | North Shore Mountain Bike Association

1:50 onsdag 27 juni 2018

On the Trail (https://ift.tt/2EsIa0K) : Let’s face it, mountain biking seems to be an activity for the privileged. White middle clas men, and a few white middle class women, dominate our sport. NSMBA – North Shore Mountain Bike Association is working to change this. But we can all try to be more inclusive. https://ift.tt/2KmF7hP – ““But why are trees such social beings? Why do they share food with their own species and even go so far as to nourish their competitors? The reasons are the same as human communities: there are advantages to working together. A tree is not a forest.” – Peter Wohlleben (The Hidden Life of Trees…” – Trails for All | North Shore Mountain Bike Association

Trails for All | North Shore Mountain Bike Association

“But why are trees such social beings? Why do they share food with their own species and even go so far as to nourish their competitors? The reasons are the same as human communities: there are advantages to working together. A tree is not a forest.” – Peter Wohlleben (The Hidden Life of Trees…

On the Trail

1:50 tisdag 26 juni 2018

On the Trail (https://ift.tt/2EsIa0K) : I wish I had a new bike… – “” –

On the Trail

I wish I had a new bike…

20+ Hilariously Infuriating Examples Of User Interface That Even Satan Himself Couldn’t Come Up With

23:20 tisdag 19 juni 2018

Please enter your…

20+ Hilariously Infuriating Examples Of User Interface That Even Satan Himself Couldn’t Come Up With

What if web developers suddenly stopped caring about user-friendliness? The internet would become a cruel place. This idea has intrigued a few programmers so much that they have started competing on reddit, to try and figure out who can come up with the meanest torture device.

Olle Svensk Strand

8:16 fredag 15 juni 2018

På vej til kongens by.

Olle Svensk Strand

8:05 fredag 15 juni 2018

På vej til kongens by.

What happened to Swedish Downhill: The rise of Freeride

21:18 fredag 8 juni 2018

On the Trail (https://ift.tt/2EsIa0K) : FROST, still legendary. Wanna know more after reading Hannas article, go to frost.anulaibar.com https://ift.tt/2kWsviX – “The early 2000s defined its very own style – mainly consisting of “illegal” grassroots Downhill races and Freeride huck squads.” – What happened to Swedish Downhill: The rise of Freeride

What happened to Swedish Downhill: The rise of Freeride

The early 2000s defined its very own style – mainly consisting of “illegal” grassroots Downhill races and Freeride huck squads.


19:18 torsdag 7 juni 2018

On the Trail (https://ift.tt/2EsIa0K) : What to carry in your pack on a mountainbike ride: one or two spare tubes, a pump, a multi tool, a sledge hammer. – “Obcas je nutny zasah kvalitniho mechanika…:D bikefest Kalnica a Slovenske centrovani..” – ManoBike


Obcas je nutny zasah kvalitniho mechanika…:D bikefest Kalnica a Slovenske centrovani..