Looking frwrd RTMX @ahesselbom…
Looking frwrd RTMX @ahesselbom: Editing a lovely interview by @nirakh with @MrMMarsh for @skeptikerpodden ep. 57. Out Tuesday. #sweskep
Looking frwrd RTMX @ahesselbom: Editing a lovely interview by @nirakh with @MrMMarsh for @skeptikerpodden ep. 57. Out Tuesday. #sweskep
That’s it! I quit! As of this moment I will leave these premises and just go! Sadly it’s just for a vacation. And don’t vorry, I will tweet.
Just added 23 podcasts to @iPhonePodcaster. Now there’s 59 in there. What was I thinking?
Hej @kallebrunn ! @antteist tycker du är en “percussiv sarkasmjunkie, m förkärlek för livets goda o gott öga för skepticism” Upp till bevis
#DoctorWho isn’t #Peanuts you know. http://t.co/x59XkBE
Handicraft might not be all that dorky, after all. Nerdy, yes. http://bit.ly/jKYi9X
Still doesn’t mean we shouldn’t act RTMX @almightygod: Some think environmental protections are about the earth. http://goo.gl/Zlr4E
Var beställer jag? RT @faktoider: “Tugga vigo SKEPTIC innan du tänker!” http://bit.ly/iQrEC4 #sweskep
.@Foraldrapodden scoopade det förra veckan ;) RT @HannaBrus: @MinniaG Kostvanor gör svenska barn glutenintoleranta: http://t.co/3srVbAe
It’s time, folks.Time for a wednesday mash-up. http://t.co/mKyneQY