Sluta delta i våldtäktsdebatter om fel saker

22:34 måndag 16 april 2018

Låt oss diskutera våldtäkt och våldtäktskultur. På riktigt, från och med nu.

Sluta delta i våldtäktsdebatter om fel saker

Hur för man våldtäktsdebatten under ett valår? Frågan har snurrat i mitt huvud ett tag. Trots all fakta vi har om sexuella övergrepp är våldtäktsdebatten i Sverige fortfarande som ett…

On the Trail

16:01 söndag 15 april 2018

On the Trail ( : Three days out riding. Three days filming. Or trying to. And this is about what I end up with. Crap. Maybe the mobile isn’t the right tool for this… #mtbinspo #stigcykling – “” –

On the Trail

Three days out riding. Three days filming. Or trying to. And this is about what I end up with. Crap. Maybe the mobile isn’t the right tool for this… #mtbinspo #stigcykling

Aaron Naparstek on Twitter

13:50 måndag 9 april 2018

On the Trail ( : In the aftermath of Aaron Naperstek’s tweets about Giro, Bell, Camelbak and other bike related brands mother company Vista Outdoors relations not just to the arms industry but also to NRA, many called for a boycott and applaud companies lika REI and MEC for picking the brands of their shelves. But what about the media? What magazines, websites and such has stopped advertising or reviewing products from Giro, Bell, Camelbak? Some of these publishers even had editorials criticising the companies indirect ties to NRA though Vista Outdoors. If retailers could stop cooperate with these brands, surely publishers could as well. – ““Bicycling friends: Did you know that @Giro, Bell, @CamelBak, Copilot and a few other bike gear brands that you may enjoy are owned by @VistaOutdoorInc, America’s largest manufacturer of ammunition?”” – Aaron Naparstek on Twitter

Aaron Naparstek on Twitter

“Bicycling friends: Did you know that @Giro, Bell, @CamelBak, Copilot and a few other bike gear brands that you may enjoy are owned by @VistaOutdoorInc, America’s largest manufacturer of ammunition?”

19:39 lördag 7 april 2018

7 simple tips for taking care of your trails

11:45 lördag 7 april 2018

On the Trail ( : What will you do for your trails? – “If you’re a mountain biker in the UK right now, you might be feeling a bit sorry for yourself. Winter, which is hardly ever a delightful time of year here, seem” – 7 simple tips for taking care of your trails

7 simple tips for taking care of your trails

If you’re a mountain biker in the UK right now, you might be feeling a bit sorry for yourself. Winter, which is hardly ever a delightful time of year here, seem

“Repack” by Jim Kelly

17:26 onsdag 4 april 2018

On the Trail Bike poetry, klunking verse. “My brother James Patrick Kelly is a gifted poet. He read my book, “Fat Tire Flyer: Repack and the Birth of Mountain Biking,” and reduced the 264 pages to a few lines of poetry, now published in Dirt Rag. ” – Charlie

“Repack” by Jim Kelly

Charlie Kelly’s brother Jim wrote a series of poems about their mountain bike adventures. He is currently working on turning this series into a publication called “The Bike Cycle.” Here is one of the poems, titled “Repack,” recounting the infamous Repack Downhill races. Riding a bike on the

On the Trail

23:53 söndag 1 april 2018

On the Trail ( “” –

On the Trail

Olle Svensk Strand

12:21 lördag 31 mars 2018


Over a Beer: Just Decide Which Bike to Buy, Already – Singletracks Mountain Bike News

23:38 onsdag 28 mars 2018

On the Trail: Oh yes, I can relate. The multitude of mountain bike choices on the market today is actually making us less happy, not happier. But we can choose to avoid the trap of being a mountain bike maximizer. – Over a Beer: Just Decide Which Bike to Buy, Already – Singletracks Mountain Bike News

Over a Beer: Just Decide Which Bike to Buy, Already – Singletracks Mountain Bike News

The multitude of mountain bike choices on the market today is actually making us less happy, not happier. But we can choose to avoid the trap of being a mountain bike maximizer.

Olle Svensk Strand

17:33 onsdag 21 mars 2018

En timme kvar till klubban bankar igång årets årsmöte.