Is there a way to block users …
Is there a way to block users with numbers in the end off their usernames? >:-( #twitterspam
Is there a way to block users with numbers in the end off their usernames? >:-( #twitterspam
Wish I was better at computer and console games. No, really, I do suck; come level two and I’m out, exit screen left, game over, you loose.
There are so many games that look awesome. Damn, you, God of gaming!
#GeekHandicraftFriday Make your own light saber
Bra om autism, vaccin, oro och vårt behov av förklaringar RT @bentedanielsson: autistmammans blogg #sweskep
Man kan bara fråga: när händer det mig? RT @SkeptikerJon: :-) Pezster: Vad är mensvärk?
Can you build a motor cycle from a lighter? Sure, no problems.
I do love the internet, but sometimes when I read all the wacko comments on religion, pseudoscience or conspiracies, I just want to log off.
Att man blir pigg av att vara ute i solen, visst, ok, men av att ha lampor i öronen? Nja, jag är skeptisk. #sweskep
No support for iPhone 3G in iOS 4.3