As allways don’t click everyth…
As allways don’t click everything! RT @gcluley Warning Twitter users: Unfollowed Me rogue application spreading virally
As allways don’t click everything! RT @gcluley Warning Twitter users: Unfollowed Me rogue application spreading virally
Bra! Ut och syns, syns, syns! RT @SkeptikerJon Vad borde VoF göra?
Sitter ute i kvällssolen, kortärmat och öl i glaset, april gör sig just nu.
Two guys kissing; Hey, Zuckerberg, what’s the harm?
Kaffe i solen innan det är dags att räfsa vidare.
Raking abandoned part of the garden, listening to skeptic pods, life is both tough and plesant.
I want to sit in the sun and drink alcohol too.