Arkiv för december, 2014

Superbly Awful Library Books: mega-gallery of terrible (but awesome) book covers

tisdag, 30 december, 2014

Böcker du inte visste du saknade.

Superbly Awful Library Books: mega-gallery of terrible (but awesome) book covers

If you enjoy scoffing at “What were they thinking of?” book covers of yesteryear, Awful Library Books is a site you’ll want to follow.

Böcker du inte visste du saknade. – Superbly Awful…

tisdag, 30 december, 2014

Böcker du inte visste du saknade. – Superbly Awful Library Books: mega-gallery of terrible (but awesome) book co……

Ouch! – WHEN BIKES ATTACK | We guarantee that you…

tisdag, 30 december, 2014

Ouch! – WHEN BIKES ATTACK | We guarantee that you will replay this clip…

WHEN BIKES ATTACK | We guarantee that you will replay this clip

tisdag, 30 december, 2014


WHEN BIKES ATTACK | We guarantee that you will replay this clip

We know. Right???

Drinking a Farmhouse IPA by @LervigBeer/@MagicRock…

tisdag, 30 december, 2014

Drinking a Farmhouse IPA by @LervigBeer/

Lego gör för många bitar. – Lego Friends http://t….

tisdag, 30 december, 2014

Lego gör för många bitar. – Lego Friends…

Lego Friends

tisdag, 30 december, 2014

Lego gör för många bitar.

Lego Friends

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Nått att göra medans Kelda gör jobbet. – BG Canada…

tisdag, 30 december, 2014

Nått att göra medans Kelda gör jobbet. – BG Canada: get your 5 a day – BIKE Magazine…

BG Canada: get your 5 a day – BIKE Magazine

tisdag, 30 december, 2014

Nått att göra medans Kelda gör jobbet.

BG Canada: get your 5 a day – BIKE Magazine

The BG Canada guys get out for a five-minute Whistler rip while their food is in the microwave.

Olle Svensk Strand

måndag, 29 december, 2014

“Vi ville skriva en historia om ungdomlig smärta och rock. Vi skrev en buskis istället.”
Än en gång har jag tappat tron på svensk teveproduktion.