Arkiv för maj, 2018

Här är sommarens stora trafikarbeten

torsdag, 31 maj, 2018

MSB testar beredskapen för infrastrukturen och stänger därför av trafiken i och omkring Stockholm i sommar.

Här är sommarens stora trafikarbeten

Mitten av maj fram till tiden för skolavslutningarna brukar vara den värsta tiden på året att ta sig fram i Stockholm. Det är även den perioden då man vill sätta igång med sommarens trafikarbeten, dels för att vädret tillåter men även för att redan vara igång när pendlingen lugnar ne…

On the Trail

onsdag, 23 maj, 2018

On the Trail ( : Unfortunately we’ve been afflicted by the Windows 10 april update error. So all further filming and any new YouTube content will be put on halt until we got our fleet of computers up and running again. Till then, have a good one! – “” –

On the Trail

Unfortunately we’ve been afflicted by the Windows 10 april update error. So all further filming and any new YouTube content will be put on halt until we got our fleet of computers up and running again. Till then, have a good one!

Olle Svensk Strand

söndag, 20 maj, 2018

Sommarfikar bland turister.

It’s now or never to help this campaign – sign today!

tisdag, 15 maj, 2018

It’s now or never to help this campaign – sign today!

Amazon or Netflix, please buy the rights to The Expanse – #SaveTheExpanse

Circuit Breaker

torsdag, 10 maj, 2018

I’m genuinely impressed. If they’ve really got this to work this smoothly, Google is damn near to pass the Touring test.

Circuit Breaker

Google Assistant will be able to make actual phone calls for you.

20+ Idiot Cats That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

fredag, 4 maj, 2018


20+ Idiot Cats That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud

People are always going on about how cunning and clever cats are. Sometimes we forget that they, like us, are more than capable of being a bit of a goofball from time to time, and when it does happen, their dramatic personalities make it all the funnier!

What happened to Swedish Downhill: The Glory Days

torsdag, 3 maj, 2018

On the Trail ( : Some Swedish downhill history. This was before SDN and FROST. Promising more on grassroots racing and hucking, we’ll might hear more on that later… – “This is the story about how the little country in the North became one of the strongest nations on the Downhill World Cup circuit.” – What happened to Swedish Downhill: The Glory Days

What happened to Swedish Downhill: The Glory Days

This is the story about how the little country in the North became one of the strongest nations on the Downhill World Cup circuit.