3 kommentarer till “Smuttar vidare. – Drinking an IPA Is Dead Kohatu b…”
OK, so I don’t have a Harvard MBA, just the Phl-sdelphiaiiasue kind. It would be great if someone could explain in non-sports-fan but cash-flow-literate terms just why it is that a professional sports team isn’t expected to fund itself from ticket sales, media rights and maybe parking, concessions etc. Why do they always seem to demand public funds? If these are such terrific, well-loved cash cows, why ask Portlanders for a handout?Also, is this the business model that a top team like say Man U or Yankees runs on? If so, WHY?
I was kinda hoping they’d get native English-speakers to voice Angela and Sue… *sigh* oh well… hopefully the voices they chose will come out well enough.
Eftersom det är svårt att hitta @lakritsyoghurt numera testar jag göra egen med lakritspulver från @lakritsroten. Gott, fast man får ta mer pulver än man tror. Mer rålakritssmak än den färdiga. Ska testa med saltlakritspulver i framtiden också.
Idag har milliontals skolbarn strejkat världen över för att demonstrera mot oss vuxnas hantering av klimatkrisen.Ni lärare i min bekantskapskrets, hur har ni tänkt och gjort med de av era elever som har strejkat idag?. Reposted from @wistikent
OK, so I don’t have a Harvard MBA, just the Phl-sdelphiaiiasue kind. It would be great if someone could explain in non-sports-fan but cash-flow-literate terms just why it is that a professional sports team isn’t expected to fund itself from ticket sales, media rights and maybe parking, concessions etc. Why do they always seem to demand public funds? If these are such terrific, well-loved cash cows, why ask Portlanders for a handout?Also, is this the business model that a top team like say Man U or Yankees runs on? If so, WHY?
05:59 fredag 10 februari 2017 av BeckyÉ que é isso mesmo, sem tirar nem pôr. Para se ser presidente de um clube como o Benfica, a pessoa em causa deveria ser inteligente, ponderada, dona de um bom senso inquestionável e ser um senhor. Quatro requisitos que o actual lÃder não tem.
18:08 söndag 12 februari 2017 av kredit mobil jazz bekasI was kinda hoping they’d get native English-speakers to voice Angela and Sue… *sigh* oh well… hopefully the voices they chose will come out well enough.
18:01 tisdag 28 februari 2017 av http://www.gamecoins.pro/