Veckans kvitter 2011-01-16
- Wow! This explains a lot. RT @thatnerdwoman: Photo: graph to live by [via] #
- The amazing design of god #sweskep #
- Billy's confession #
- 10 Science Experiments That Changed the World #
- Online P&P RPG, anyone tried any? What's good (if any), what to avoid? #
- RT @Techniskeptic: Anmäl TV4 Fakta för den mediala barnmisshandeln i programmet "Barn med sjätte sinne"! #sweskep #
- Jesus, you're such a sport! #
- My iPhone actually dl podcasts faster on 3G than on WiFi. Go figure. #
- Kan tänka mig fler invånare till denna pseudovetenskapliga by #sweskep #
- Anyone has any exp. off Fantasy Grnds or OpenRPG or online P&P RPG? #
- #Sweskep är som en stor familj, väntar ut varandras poddar för att inte stjäla uppmärksamhet. #
- Aww, how cute. RT @SkeptikerJon Love A Jedi Shall Know #
- Så, nu har jag lyssnat på ett, som vanligt, lysande avsnitt av @skeptikerpodden Så nu kan ni lägga ut @Humanistpodden #sweskep #
- A must read for all skeptics RT @cultinfo No correlation between rationality and intelligence #sweskep #
- Döda fåglar i drivor? Det är bögarnas fel! #
- RT @Supermiljoblogg: Expressens Ulf Nilson kommer ut som klimatförnekare #swgreen #svpol #sweskep #fail #facepalm #fb #
- Lyssnar på @Vagmastarna @ahesselbom är duktig och påläst, men jag saknar tyngden av en evolutionsbiolog. #
- #artsbday -76:40 #
- Gah, why do people still use white on black on websites? Fucking hate it! #
- Yay! RT @bbcbeinghuman: IT'S OFFICIAL: #BeingHuman returns Sunday 23rd January at 9pm on BBC Three. #
- This years ignoble prize? RT @io9 Drunk scientists pour wine on superconductors and make incredible discovery #
- No support for iPhone 3G in iOS 4.3 #
- Att man blir pigg av att vara ute i solen, visst, ok, men av att ha lampor i öronen? Nja, jag är skeptisk. #sweskep #
- I do love the internet, but sometimes when I read all the wacko comments on religion, pseudoscience or conspiracies, I just want to log off. #
- Can you build a motor cycle from a lighter? Sure, no problems. #
- Man kan bara fråga: när händer det mig? RT @SkeptikerJon: :-) Pezster: Vad är mensvärk? #
- Bra om autism, vaccin, oro och vårt behov av förklaringar RT @bentedanielsson: autistmammans blogg #sweskep #
- #GeekHandicraftFriday Make your own light saber #
- There are so many games that look awesome. Damn, you, God of gaming! #
- Wish I was better at computer and console games. No, really, I do suck; come level two and I'm out, exit screen left, game over, you loose. #
- Is there a way to block users with numbers in the end off their usernames? >:-( #twitterspam #
- In solitude they left me. In solitude and in snow. #
- "Nej, inget prat! Capice?" Anna, 5, spelar Super Mario. #
- If you're going to use handwriting, why not simply write it by hand, rather than using a ready made font? #
- And now it's time for #artsbday See y'all there, yeah? #
- The fellow in the seet next to me just fell to sleep midconsert. #fail #artsbday #
- Is it a coincidate geek girls and arty girls looks quite the same? Is a coicidate I'm drawn to them? #artsbday #sweskep #
- Lisa Wall har en förmåga att låta som hon sitter i ditt knä och bara talar till dig. #LoveIt #artsbday #
- Midaircondos music is like dancing on forgotten thoughts and lost dreams. #artsbday #
- All your base are belong to us. #artsbday #
- Better start acting now if we're going to get #artsbday trending. Come on, come on, come on! #
- Please @Blustmord tell me that's NOT a power ballance band on your wrist. Please. #artsbday #sweskep # - Anyone know anything about the Cochrane meta stud showing inefficiency in flu vacc? #sweskep #skepticism #skeptic #
- If I predict a catastrophe and prevent it happening, am I a good psychic, since it should have happen, or a bad, since it actually didn't? #