Over a Beer: The Trails Don’t Belong to You… – Singletracks Mountain Bike News

23:55 onsdag 18 april 2018

On the Trail (https://ift.tt/2EsIa0K) : Coexist, on the trails. – “Even after decades of mountain bike advocacy, learning to share the trail, yield, and respect other trail users is a topic that continues to deserve discussion. In this Over a Beer column Greg shares a story of a hiker who didn’t share the trail, and what we can learn from it.” – Over a Beer: The Trails Don’t Belong to You… – Singletracks Mountain Bike News

Over a Beer: The Trails Don’t Belong to You… – Singletracks Mountain Bike News

Even after decades of mountain bike advocacy, learning to share the trail, yield, and respect other trail users is a topic that continues to deserve discussion. In this Over a Beer column Greg shares a story of a hiker who didn’t share the trail, and what we can learn from it.

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